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A0335456725 7G Tronic 722.9 Conductor Plate Transmission Reset Unlocking Program
Did you need your USED 7G conductor plate unlocked or programmed on bench for you?
We can do that!!! Data matching and updates available so that your unit is plug and play.
All models are covered from Model year 2004-2015 C , CL ,CLK, CLA, CLS ,G, GL , GLA, E , S , M , ML , SLK , SL,
Siemens VDO and Continental
We Do have coverage to current model years, but please contact us first to verify.
Our service is typically just a 1 business day service!!
There are 2 possible ways for us to provide this service.
Option #1. You send us just your donor Plate that will be installed in the vehicle.
We can;
1. Unlock
2. Write your Vehicles VIN
3. Online SCN code the Unit to the VIN number Provided
4. Update the Software to match the VIN provided.
5. This last step of initializing it to your car ( Immobilizer data ) can be done once
installed with a scan tool that has Mercedes-Benz software abilities.
Option #2. You send us just your donor Plate that will be installed in the vehicle
AND the Original Plate from the car
We can;
1. Unlock
2. Write your Vehicles VIN
3. Online SCN code the Unit to the VIN number Provided
4. Update the Software to match the VIN provided.
5. Program the Immobilizer data and Transmission Adaptation Data on bench
so that the donor unit will plug and play with your car.
Here's how it works
Step 1: Purchase the Listing from Ebay
Step 2: Mail in your 7G-Tronic you desire to have Unlocked ( also the Original unit if desired for Option 2 service )
to the Address Below, with the Vehicles Details ( VIN , Year, Model, AND EHS NUMBER ON VALVEBODY )
High Tech Mobile
600 South Andreasen Drive
Suite E
Escondido, CA 92029
Step 3: Contact us, and send the Tracking number for the Package
Any other questions you may have we can answer via the Contact button or message us on Skype
Skype : MBZmechanic
We Provide all services for German cars, if you have any questions, please ask us.